Expanding charging infrastructure can address range anxiety and charging anxiety among EV owners

How to break electric car range anxiety

Electric cars have rapidly gained in popularity around the world as an eco-friendly transportation alternative, yet there remains an inherent fear among EV owners that their battery power might run out before reaching their desired location, known as “range anxiety“. This article presents practical solutions to reduce this anxiety and make EVs an attractive option.

Extending Battery Life of Electric Vehicles

Advancements in technology have led to improved electric vehicle batteries. So can their performance ease EV drivers’ charging and range anxiety by expanding battery range?

EV charger manufacturers continually enhance the energy density of their batteries to store more power for longer ranges. New materials have been developed while processes have been improved, including lithium-ion batteries with relatively high energy densities, which are an integral component of the electric vehicle sector. As technology progresses further, consumers will have more options available to them to meet their travel needs.

Building more charging infrastructure

Can Building More Charging Infrastructure Solve EV Owners’ Range Anxiety and Charging Anxiety? To address range anxiety regarding electric vehicles, governments should create efficient charging infrastructure in urban areas and major motorways, positioning charging stations so they can provide charging services for long journeys as well as alleviate concerns.

Government and private investment should work together to establish electric vehicle charging infrastructure that includes traditional charging stations as well as fast charging solutions that reduce charging time by significantly reducing the time it takes to charge an electric vehicle.

By creating more charging infrastructure, the government can encourage more people to use EVs and ease potential owners’ mileage anxiety.

The EV electric car charger is charging the EV

Image by Freepik

Proper Charging Skills

Proper charging techniques can extend the range of electric vehicles. For example, avoid frequent deep discharges and keep the SOC of the battery high.

Joint provides you with professional electric vehicle charging posts

Joint provides professional EV chargers for your charging needs. Joint’s EV chargers provide drivers with efficient and fast charging solutions to reduce charging wait times for EV drivers.

Joint is committed to developing state-of-the-art DC fast chargers and AC smart charging posts to provide electric vehicle owners with a convenient and efficient charging experience. Joint’s commercial EV chargers are designed for high-traffic areas and commercial organizations, helping to quickly alleviate charging anxiety. As a result, Joint’s Level 3 DC fast chargers and Level 2 charging stations ensure that drivers always have access to reliable charging options when needed.


Extended battery range is essential to alleviating electric vehicle range anxiety. As technology develops, new materials will enhance EV range, making the gap closer with conventional cars. Charging infrastructure also plays a vital role, and governments and businesses should work collaboratively towards expanding it so EV drivers have access to multiple charging options.

Joint is one of several leading charger manufacturers that can assist in shortening EV charging wait times and getting drivers on their way faster, providing efficient charging equipment to individuals.

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